Recycling Scales
Our custom written Waste Weighing Software can be used with a wide range of standard and bespoke weighing platforms. You can monitor waste to be recycled. This means operations collecting and charging, plus those sending and being charged can process the information stored along with name, time, date, weight, cost and type of recycling weighed.
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"We generate about 177 million tonnes of waste every year in England alone. This is a poor use of resources and costs businesses and households money. It also causes environmental damage - for example, waste sent to landfill produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. We want to move towards a ‘zero waste economy’. This doesn’t mean that no waste exists - it’s a society where resources are fully valued, financially and environmentally. It means we reduce, reuse and recycle all we can, and throw things away only as a last resort". (Source Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs). Oakleyweigh have the simple solution with our Recycling Management System. Our custom written Waste Weighing Software can be used with a wide range of standard and bespoke weighing platforms. You can monitor waste to be recycled. This means operations collecting and charging, plus those sending and being charged can process the information stored along with name, time, date, weight, cost and type of recycling weighed.